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Ooly sleep trainer clock glowing red

Save Your Sanity: Say Goodbye to Bedtime Struggles and Early Mornings with a Sleep Trainer Clock

Say goodbye to the stress and frustration of bedtime struggles, and say hello to a smoother and more peaceful sleep routine with an Ooly sleep trainer clock. Get ready for uninterrupted evenings and well-rested mornings, enabling you to start each day on the right foot.
Crying baby cuddling with mum

The 4 month sleep regression and 3 tips to get you through

Whether you're still grappling with sleep deprivation or finally getting the hang of a routine, brace yourself for the 4-month sleep regression – for some families it's a real game-changer (and not in a great way). Your little one's nighttime sleep becomes a top priority for everyone's sake!
Mum playing with child

The Power of Parent-Child Play

Play is the universal language of childhood, fostering joy, imagination, and learning. When parents actively engage in play with their children, magical things happen.  But play is not just about having fun; it is a critical component of a child's cognitive development. 
Cheeky toddler, parents creating boundaries, toddler sleep

Why setting boundaries for your toddler is a GOOD thing!

If a toddler has no boundaries during the day, how can we expect them to understand boundaries like staying in bed at bedtime and through the night, or following the cues of a sleep training clock?  To have success with improving toddler sleep, daytime boundaries are just as important as night time ones!
parents spending time with their children

Being a parent vs a friend

One of the key decisions parents face is whether to be a friend or a parent our toddlers. While both roles are important, they are not interchangeable, and it is crucial to understand the differences between the two. There are benefits to both, but striking a balance is necessary!
arrival of a sibling disrupts sleep, toddler kissing new baby

The arrival of a sibling

The arrival of a new sibling is an exciting and joyous event for many families. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways in which the arrival of a new sibling can impact a child's sleep, as well as strategies parents can use to help their child adjust to these changes.
baby routine

3 Reasons I Love Routine

Reading a baby’s cues can be a minefield.  Babies will often display similar cues for hunger, tiredness and boredom, and putting these into context is necessary to understand just what it is your baby is needing.  A combination of clock watching and reading cues is often key to figuring this out.
sleep deprived mum

Sleep Week 2023 - Opinion Piece

Unpopular opinion ahead… I stand against sleep martyrdom. Sleep is a biological necessity, not a luxury. So the next time you read that challenging sleep is normal, will pass, and is a rite of passage to parenting, I encourage you to think past this and prioritise sleep. You don’t have to be a sleep martyr!

toddler in bed

Making the transition to a toddler bed - 3 mistakes to avoid

Moving from a cot to a ‘big bed’ is one of these exciting stages. But this also means they can get themselves out an awful lot easier than they can if they’re in a cot… cue frustrating bedtimes and nights.  Here are my top 3 mistakes to avoid when making this exciting transition!
Sleeping baby

How snoozing helps your baby’s development

Although it might not feel like it when they’re awake at 3am, your baby loves to nap. Many babies sleep for up to 17 hours a day.  But they don’t just switch off when they’re snoozing in their cot or Moses basket – a lot is going on in their growing brains and bodies.
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