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arrival of a sibling disrupts sleep, toddler kissing new baby

The arrival of a sibling

The arrival of a new sibling is an exciting and joyous event for many families. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the ways in which the arrival of a new sibling can impact a child's sleep, as well as strategies parents can use to help their child adjust to these changes.
baby routine

3 Reasons I Love Routine

Reading a baby’s cues can be a minefield.  Babies will often display similar cues for hunger, tiredness and boredom, and putting these into context is necessary to understand just what it is your baby is needing.  A combination of clock watching and reading cues is often key to figuring this out.
red glow nightlight SNOOZE WiFi White Noise machine

Red light in the night - why?

Research has shown that exposure to blue light, which is emitted by most electronic devices and some light bulbs, can disrupt circadian rhythms and suppress melatonin secretion, which can lead to difficulty falling and staying asleep. On the other hand, red light doesn't do this!
Sleeping baby

How snoozing helps your baby’s development

Although it might not feel like it when they’re awake at 3am, your baby loves to nap. Many babies sleep for up to 17 hours a day.  But they don’t just switch off when they’re snoozing in their cot or Moses basket – a lot is going on in their growing brains and bodies.
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