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Mother with PPD

Taking Care of You

Sleep deprivation is a common struggle for new parents, and its impact goes beyond just feeling tired. In fact, sleep deprivation can significantly contribute to the development or exacerbation of postpartum depression and anxiety - both are common mood disorders that can occur after giving birth.

sleep deprived mum

Sleep Week 2023 - Opinion Piece

Unpopular opinion ahead… I stand against sleep martyrdom. Sleep is a biological necessity, not a luxury. So the next time you read that challenging sleep is normal, will pass, and is a rite of passage to parenting, I encourage you to think past this and prioritise sleep. You don’t have to be a sleep martyr!

Sleeping baby

How snoozing helps your baby’s development

Although it might not feel like it when they’re awake at 3am, your baby loves to nap. Many babies sleep for up to 17 hours a day.  But they don’t just switch off when they’re snoozing in their cot or Moses basket – a lot is going on in their growing brains and bodies.
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