SmartSnugg Monitoring 'Tech' Bundle - For Smart Infant Sleep Monitoring

The SmartSnugg monitoring system is made up of a SmartPebble, SmartBridge and the SmartSnugg App (which is free to download and use on iOS and Android). The SmartPebble which is positioned inside the SmartSleeper is waterproof, machine washable & has a 9-month battery life. Batteries are replaceable and can be changed when needed.
The SmartPebble is inserted into the secure 'tortured pathway' pocket inside the sleeping bag. Ultra-low energy Bluetooth means that your child is not exposed to potentially harmful high energy radio waves.
It will be held securely in place and will monitor the temperature, position and movement of your child without them having any idea it is there.
Configure the App to customise alerts and notifications based on your child's sleeping preferences, meaning if your child usually sleeps on their back, you will receive an alert if they roll onto their tummy.
The SmartBridge provides a secure link between the SmartPebble and the SmartSnugg server, allowing information to be sent in real-time straight to your SmartSnugg App. The SmartBridge also operates as a room temperature monitor and adjustable nightlight.
For accurate results, the SmartBridge must be located within 5 meters of the SmartPebble during an active sleep session; this ensures that the data is reliably transferred via Bluetooth using your Wi-Fi network.
The SmartBridge is plugged into power in the room and is a nightlight and room temperature monitor. It connects to the local WiFi and sends data from the Pebble and the Bridge to the SmartSnugg server.
More Information
Expecting twins? Or perhaps you work in Child Care?
A single SmartBridge can be used to transmit data from up to 20 different SmartPebbles at any time!
The SmartBridge requires access to a stable internet connection in order to reliably transmit data. It does not require a fast internet connection and any domestic connection will be suitable, provided that it is consistent. Most people will experience some internet discontinuity and we will notify you if this happens for a significant period of time.
When you set up your SmartBridge you will be prompted to use a concealed reset button on the underside of the SmartBridge. Once this is done you can leave the SmartBridge in the wall or even plug it in at different locations in your house and you will be able to start and stop new sleep sessions directly on the SmartSnugg App.
Other Features
The SmartBridge comes with an LED nightlight which you can operate from the SmartApp dashboard. The nightlight has 5 adjustable settings.
Room temperature
You will be able to monitor the room temperature of your child throughout any active sleep session directly on the SmartApp dashboard. The room temperature data is useful for several important features of the SmartSnugg System.
It provides data about temperature variations within your child's room overnight which will inform clothing decisions that you make.
Use the in App Clothing Recommendation Assistant to get the ideal recommendation for dressing your child based on the room temperature and their sleeping preferences.
One of the alerts that have been developed monitors the temperature differences recorded by the SmartBridge and the SmartPebble during an active sleep session. SmartSnugg have developed algorithms to detect any significant and unexpected changes which have found usually indicates that a child has a higher than usual body temperature.
More Pebbles?
You can purchase additional SmartPebbles if you don't wish to swap your existing one between SmartSleepers!